Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bumped Into a Good Website I Thought I’d Share | Lost Ball in High Weeds

This is a gratuitous post as the only reason I am posting this is because it just so happens that Splork actually mentioned my blog. But don't let that stop you from checking it out as the guy has a knack for letting you know exactly what's what in regards to many internet marketing products, which that in itself is a rarity.

Very entertaining read.

Bumped Into a Good Website I Thought I’d Share | Lost Ball in High Weeds

The Indirect Power of Social Traffic | Caroline Middlebrook

A little overview here before I talk about this article. About a year ago, adsense guy, Grizzly, decided to lambast Caroline Middlebrook for her blog that was supposed to teach people how to make money online. The reality was that she was teaching bloggers that social traffic was the way to go when in effect, it was organic traffic that matters the most when it comes to earning....

Of course, there are some different schools of thought here. For one, social traffic can work if you are branding your name and plan on selling via a list. But the reality is that most bloggers won't have the time or patience to get fully engaged in permission marketing and learning the dance of actually selling products without completely "selling out".

Anyway, this is a shameless plug, partly because she linked to my other site.

The Indirect Power of Social Traffic | Caroline Middlebrook

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

5 Steps to Getting Traffic to Your New Blog on a No-String Budget

This was a rather oldish guest post I did for blogging tips and it features the ever so important how to get traffic question, which for most bloggers and marketers, could be the holy friggin' grail when it comes to blogging or building sites.

In this post, I highlight the build it and they will come myth and the "great content is king" old wives' tale which still seems to permeate blogs about blogging. Ain't true and although you should want to post stuff that you are proud of, when it comes to building traffic that makes money, it all boils down to link citations all over the place.

Then again, if you ever go to my internet marketing blog and believe what I talk about, I am probably preaching to the choir (can I get an "amen?").....

5 Steps to Getting Traffic to Your New Blog on a No-String Budget

Unlock Your Marketing Genius to Make Money Online - Kikolani

Yet another guest post meant more for bloggers than marketers because I think that bloggers are in the greatest need for help when it comes to making any kind of money online. And given the fact that there is so much misinformation in regards to how generate qualified traffic to their blog that actually is willing to spend, I think that they should spend more time thinking like a little less like a blogger and a little more like a marketer.

At any rate, it is a guest post...oh...and just because it is a post on another blog, don't think for a second that I didn't pour my heart and soul into it.....enjoy.

Unlock Your Marketing Genius to Make Money Online - Kikolani

Adsense Realities for New Publishers | DazzlinDonna

Another guest post. In this post, I go over some of the adsense realities that many bloggers will face when they are trying to get make money online.

Just in case, you are wondering the big highlight or a-ha moment to this is the belief that you can actually get high conversions from using social sites such as digg or (name-of-any-other-social-site) to drive traffic.

The reality is it is terrible and the same goes for social bloggers who are trying to make money by generating "readers" or "subscribers". Of course, the best way to make money with adsense is to rank in the search engines....

Ya know....the whole rank for a problem and make the adsense be the solution.

At any rate, enjoy the article...or don't....

Adsense Realities for New Publishers | DazzlinDonna

How to Get More Traffic to Your Blog-The Traffic-Getting Conundrum

This was actually a guest post I made a couple weeks ago in which I highlight a very common to get traffic to your blog. Now I am primarily a marketer, not a blogger but I do know that when it comes to making money blogging, it can be very frustrating for someone that buys into the "social traffic" converts myth.

First of all, it could convert but tailoring and working social traffic could actually be harder than doing the opposite.

At any rate, you may like this guest may not.

How to Get More Traffic to Your Blog-The Traffic-Getting Conundrum